Paula Santomé (Spain, 1994)
2022 Master in Fine Arts, Institut Kunst, HGK FHNW, Basel, CH

Graduate in Fine Arts
2018 Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra, University of Vigo, ES
2017 Faculty of Fine Arts of UCM, Madird (SICUE exchange program), ES
2016 Luca School of Arts, Brussels (Erasmus exchange program), BE

Grants and awards
2021 Regionale 22, Kunsthalle Basel Prize, Basel, CH
2021 Grant for International Summer Academy of Salzburg, AT
2020/22 Grant for Artistic Education Fundación María José Jove, FHNW, Basel, CH
2018 First Prize Contemporary Art Award of the Instituto Dental Campos, Vigo, ES

Solo and duo exhibitions
2023 The Felling of Daphne, VITRINE Gallery, CH
2022 Hug Me Barefoot, Kaiserwache, Freiburg im Breisgau, DE
2021 Lies leans blocks, with Neils Weilligman, Giulietta, Basel, CH

Selected group exhibitions
2024 no place like, dacodac, Zurich, CH
2023 Querida tierra que oscurece, curated by Chus Martínez, Galería Belmonte, ES
2023 Concerto Finale, Regionale 24, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
2023 Touch and Fire, Regionale 24, Kunst Raum Riehen, CH
2023 Kiefer Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, CH
2023 Palazzina on Foot, Basel Social Club, CH
2023 Counter Loopholes, Palazzina, Allschwil, CH
2022 Mnemosyne, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Regionale 23, Liestal, CH
2022 Peace or Never Graduation Show IAGN FHNW, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
2022 The Comercial Show, Oreilles Internaxionales, Basel, CH
2022 Materiales, Sala de Exposiciones Manuel Moldes, Pontevedra, ES
2021 Ärt, Pilz Welle Lust, Basel, CH
2021 ... von möglichen Welten, Kunsthalle Basel, Regionale 22, CH
2021 Certame de arte "Isaac Díaz Pardo", Deputación de A Coruña, ES
2021 Real Life Shoes, Atelierhaus Klingental, Basel, CH
2020 Certamen Novos Valores, Museum of Pontevedra, ES
2020 XXXVI Muestra de Arte Joven de La Rioja, ESDIR, La Rioja, ES
2018 15ª Mostra Gas Natural Fenosa, MAC Museum of Contemporary Art, A Coruña, ES
2017 X Premio de Artes Plásticas del Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, ES
2017 Certamen de Artes Plásticas Novos Valores, Museum of Pontevedra, ES
2017 Outono Fotográfico, XIV Certame de Fotografía da Universidade de Vigo, ES
2017 Arte Abierto, Casa Decor, Madrid, ES
2016 Arte y Proceso, Exhibition room of the UCM, Madrid, ES
2016 I eye made this these, Greylight Projects, Brussels, BE
2015 NOWHERE/NOW HERE, LUCA Gallery, LUCA School of Arts, Brussels, BE

Residency programs
2022/24 GGG Atelierhaus, Basel, CH
2021 International Summer Academy of Salzburg, AT

Baloise Kunstsammlung, CH
Collection Kunstkredit Baselland, CH
Colección de Arte Fundación María José Jove, ES
Kunstkredit Cantonal Collection Basel-Stadt, CH
Colección de Arte de la Diputación Provincial de A Coruña, ES

2022 LIQUID FLESH. A Party by Paula Santomé at Basel Social Club, Basel, CH

Lives and works between Basel, CH and Vigo, ES